1 |
Name/address Of Website |
www.mezux.in |
2 |
Name of the Establishment |
Mezux Touch Technology |
3 |
Address of the Establishment |
GD-128 , Pul-Pehladpur , New Delhi-110044 |
4 |
Address of the Establishment/Branch Office where contract workers are to be engaged |
GD-128 , Pul-Pehladpur , New Delhi-110044 |
5 |
Nature of work for which Contract Workmen are to be employed |
Electrical, Civil & Telecom Work |
6 |
Name of the Proprietor/Partner/Director/Managing Director |
Shikha Verma |
7 |
Date of starting of Business |
8 |
Date of Initial agreement with the Principal Employer(working since with PE) |
9 |
Mobile No. of PE/Contractor |
09910010209 /9313123456 |
10 |
Email ID of PE/Contractor |
mezuxtouch@gmail.com |
11 |
Website Address of Contractor's establishment |
www.mezux.in |
12 |
Reg. cert. No. of PE/Contractor Labour License No. and valid up to |
N/A |
13 |
Reg. No. under the Reg. Act,1908 |
N/A |
14 |
Reg. No. under the Partnership Act,1932 |
N/A |
15 |
Reg. No. under the Companies Act,1956 |
N/A |
16 |
Reg. No. under the Delhi Shops & Commercial Establishment Act,1954 |
N/A |
17 |
Reg. No. under the Factories Act ( For PE ) |
N/A |
18 |
Reg. No. of Employee ESI Act,1948 |
N/A |
19 |
Reg. No. EPF and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952 |
N/A |
20 |
Service Tax Reg. No. |
AAXFM9080BSD001 |
21 |
Sale Tax Reg. No. |
07156961902 |
22 |
Pan Card No. |
AAXFM9080B |